Our long awaited PPP release manuscript has now been accepted for publication in Molecular Biology and Evolution! This paper describes our first release of a comprehensive pipeline for all things population genomics - starting from a VCF file, to performing numerous population genomics analyses. Congratulations to all Sethuraman and Hey Lab folks that have contributed to this project over the years - Andrew Webb, Jared Knoblauch, Apeksha Sukesh Kallur, Nitesh Sabankar, Jonathan Tedjo. You can read the preprint here, and also check out PPP's first release here. This work was funded by NSF ABI 1564659 to Arun Sethuraman and Jody Hey.
Our lab's latest manuscript that details the lack of phenotypic variation in aphid larval utilization (see boxplot below, showing overlapping intervals in mean weight gain ratios) in two disparate populations of Hippodamia convergens, despite population structure (see admixture plot below, showing split of the CA and KS populations into separate clusters) has now been accepted for publication at Biological Control! Congratulations to Sethuraman Lab members - Bryce Summerhays, Christy Grenier, Roxane Saisho, Ryan Cartmill, Al Rothenberg, Alicia Tovar, Andrew Rynerson, Tanairi Martinez, and Jerrika Scott on this milestone! You can read the preprint of this publication here.
Arun Sethuraman