Congratulations to our amazing collaborator, Dr. Elinne Becket and her team for publishing the draft genomes of three bacterial strains isolated from cleanrooms from the Viking and Mars Exploration Rover at NASA! Special congratulations to Sethuraman Lab undergrads, Roxane Saisho, Dylan Steinecke, and Jeff Jaureguy on being co-authors on this manuscript! Read the manuscript here.
The Sethuraman Lab is continuing to science in these crazy times, socially distanced and wearing our PPE in graduate student Alicia's garage. Special thanks to Alicia's mom for hosting us so graciously! Meanwhile, we welcome Walker, Camila, and Tim to the lab this Summer! We sincerely hope that you are all staying safe and sane out there - please take care of yourselves, and yours, and science on.
Arun Sethuraman