Our manuscript that describes the genome of a novel Sediminibacterium discovered in association with two separate cyanobacterial isolates from freshwater locales in Southern California has now been accepted at G3! All the analyses for this manuscript were performed by our super talented NSF REU scholars (including the Sethuraman Lab's very own Andrew Zhang), and the entire paper was written by all of us in a conference room, masked, with everyone contributing sentences - the most unique experience of all! Read the preprint here, while we await the print version!
Our manuscript detailing the changes in microbial diversity and community composition in response to chronic nitrogen input using a long-term experiment has now been published in Applied Soil Ecology! We discovered that soil inorganic nitrogen and pH were prominent predictors of microbial abundance - all work led by Tim Grant from CSUSM. Read more here. Mean (±SE; n = 4 plots/treatment) sequence counts for Proteobacteria (Pro), Actinobacteria (Act), Bacteroidetes (Bac), Firmicutes (Fir), Acidobacteria (Aci), Verrucomicrobia (Ver), Planctomycetes (Pla), and Chloroflexi (Chl) bacterial phyla in coastal sage scrub (CSS) exposed to ambient (control) and elevated N (N) during the spring (green) and fall (brown). Also shown are results of a two-way ANOVA or permutation test with 1 factor and 12 error degrees of freedom (p-value only) for effects of treatment (N), season (S), and their interaction (N × S). NS = not significant (p > 0.05). |
Arun Sethuraman