Alicia successfully defended her Masters thesis titled "How far does the apple fall from the tree? Evolutionary genetics and the heritability of body size morphology in the parasitoid wasp Dinocampus coccinellae"! One of her chapters is already in review, and we're working on getting her other chapter submitted in the coming weeks. We are so proud of Alicia and her accomplishments, and wish her the best in her bright future!
The Sethuraman Lab will move to the Department of Biology at San Diego State University in Fall 2021! Dr. Sethuraman will be affiliated with the Evolutionary Biology group, and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biological and Medical Informatics. We will be hiring several PhD and Masters students soon - stay tuned for job announcements in coming months!
Dr. Sethuraman recently received an NIH R15 Award titled "The Architecture of Missing Variation in Human Population Genomic Data"! The grant will fund the development of methods to (1) estimate archaic population structure, (2) evolutionary history which includes gene flow from archaic "ghost" genomes, as well as (3) quantifying the architecture of archaic ancestry in modern human populations across the world. More exciting times!
Arun Sethuraman