Arun's recent manuscript describing a likelihood-based method to estimate pairwise genetic relatedness between individuals derived from inbred/admixed populations, InRelate, was just accepted (pending minor revisions) at G3! Watch this space for links to the publication. The code for InRelate can be accessed here.
Woohoo! Drs. Vourlitis and Sethuraman were recently awarded a USDA REEU grant #2017-06423, titled "From field to lab to the classroom - Development of a research-based undergraduate course in Molecular Methods for the agricultural/natural resource sciences". This grant will allow the PI's to co-teach BIOL 540 "Molecular Methods in Ecology and Evolution" over the next four years (every Spring), to incorporate a research-based curriculum in metagenomics and population genomics.
A compilation of symposium notes from the Conservation Genomics 2017 workshop has now been published in Evolutionary Applications. Congratulations, and thanks to Sarah Hendricks for putting this paper together! Read the paper here.
Melissa and Arun recently presented their research on ghost populations, and estimating relatedness using InRelate at the Population, Evolutionary, Quantitative Genetics 2018 (PEQG 2018) meeting in Madison, WI.
Arun Sethuraman